Our Vision
We put “occupation”, back into Occupational Therapy.
We strive to enable children to use their passions and hobbies as a therapeutic tool.
Wether it be surfing, dancing, arts and crafts, dress ups or writing letters to grandparents. We aim to utilise these loves to achieve the outcomes your kiddos want.
We come to you!
All services provided by Sproutlings Occupational Therapy are mobile.
We provide one on one therapy wherever holds meaning for your little person. We can meet you at home, school, daycare/kindy, at the park, beach or wherever holds meaning and purpose for your child.

What to expect at the first appointment
We start by meeting your little person and the parents/guardians and complete an initial assessment. This helps us identify your child’s strengths, areas of focus, and the underlying reasonings. A range of standardised and less formal assessments will be utilised. We also gather background information about your child from other key stakeholders (teachers/daycare educators/other therapists and doctors) and discuss what focus you’d like to take moving forward.
If you have any reports from previous therapists, assessments, medical reports or school, please provide these prior or bring them along with you to your first appointment.
A detailed report outlining the findings and recommendations can be provided after the initial assessment. We will also discuss the next steps and what therapy with us will look like, all within the first appointment.
Our expertise for supporting little people covers a variety of areas
Fine motor skills
Using fingers as they are intended to be used. Manual dexterity, finger isolation, grip strength, handwriting and pencil skills, scissor skills and school readiness.
Gross Motor Skills
Muscle tone, sustaining positions, endurance and stamina, balance, coordination, core strength, motor planning, running, jumping, catching or kicking balls.
Executive functioning
Attention and concentration, self/emotional regulation, organisation and time management skills, managing transitions and/or changes in daily routines, visual perception.
Sensory processing
Sensory modulation, regulating and understanding the sensory information coming into their bodies to enable them to participate and engage.
Self care skills
Sleeping, toileting, dressing, mealtimes, cutlery use, teeth brushing and hair care, daily chores, managing transitions and daily routines.
Social skills
Sharing, physical cues and the use of body language, forming and maintaining friendships, understanding emotions.
Play skills
Playing and interacting with others, turn taking, waiting.
100% mobile, Sunshine Coast based service
Sproutlings Occupational Therapy is a 100% mobile, Sunshine Coast based service. With therapists who love supporting children and their families, in providing a comprehensive, inclusive and fun environment with a focus on enabling children to reach their goals and understand how amazing they are.
Funding Options

Eligible participants of the NDIS are able to access individualised occupational therapy supports through Sproutlings Occupational TherapyCurrently we are only accepting NDIS plans that are self-managed or plan-managed.
For more information on the NDIS: www.ndis.gov.au

Chronic Disease Management Program (CDMP)
A chronic disease management (formerly known as an Enhanced Primary Care Plan) plan is a referral given by your general practitioner (GP) and enables the eligible person to access up to five (5) allied health sessions per calendar year.
The type of allied health professional and number of sessions is at the discretion of your GP.

Private Health Funding
If you are paying for assessment or therapy services privately you may be eligible for a rebate from your Private Health fund, depending on your type of cover. Sproutlings Occupational Therapy recommends that you check with your health fund for further information to see if you are eligible for a rebate and how to make a claim.